venerdì 30 ottobre 2009

Recipe : Orecchiette e cime de rape

Orecchiette e cime de rape

This recipe was sent in by a group of students from Italy
"We are a group of Italian students attending an English course. We would show you a typical dish of our marvellous land: Puglia! This recipe has very old traditions and our grandmothers still make home made orecchiette (ear shaped pasta). "
A group of Italian students

The finished dish
Enlarge image
(for 4 people)

300 g orecchiette (pasta)
1 kg turnip
1 garlic clove
100 g pugliese extra virgin olive oil
2 salted fillets of anchovies
bread crumbs
chilli to taste
Select the tender leaves and the tops of the turnips.
Clean, wash and dry the turnips.
Heat the oil and lightly fry the garlic in a large pan, add 2 salted fillets of anchovies.
Put a little oil in another pan and fry the bread crumbs until golden brown.
Boil the turnip tops and leaves in salted water for 10 minutes. Then add orecchiette and boil them altogether for 8-10 minutes.
Strain orecchiette and turnips.
Mix pasta, turnips and sautéed anchovies.
Serve it with the toasted bread and chilli on the top.


giovedì 29 ottobre 2009

Leanne killer jailed for life

Leanne killer jailed for life

Leanne was strangled and her body dumped in woods
A parcel delivery worker has been told to expect to spend the rest of his life in jail for the murder of Leeds teenager Leanne Tiernan.
John Taylor, 46, from Cockshott Drive in the Bramley area of the city, was given two life sentences at Leeds Crown Court after admitting the 16-year-old's kidnap and murder.

Mr Justice Astill said to Taylor: "You are a dangerous sexual sadist."

Taylor: Killed Leanne for "sexual gratification"
He said it was as cold and calculating an act as he could imagine, and the suffering Taylor had caused could not be measured.

Police later warned that Taylor - who did not have a criminal record - could have killed before, and urged anyone with information about him to come forward.

Taylor stared straight ahead as the judge spoke, but there were cheers and applause from the public gallery.


Leanne disappeared after a shopping trip in the centre of the city on 26 November 2000. Her body was found in woods several miles away, nine months later.

The judge said Taylor had strangled Leanne to satisfy his "perverted cravings".

You are a dangerous sexual sadist - your purpose in kidnapping this young girl was so that you could satisfy your perverted cravings

Mr Justice Astill
The court had heard how Taylor grabbed Leanne on an unlit path she frequently used near her home in Bramley, blindfolded her and led her to his house, where he murdered her.

Leanne's mother Sharon Hawkhead - who described Leanne as a happy, confident and streetwise girl - said afterwards the family was still in a "living hell".

"Although John Taylor has been locked up, our agony continues...we are pleased that he has been locked up so he can't do this to anyone else, but life should mean life."

Detective Superintendent Chris Gregg, who led the investigation, said officers were now looking at other major crimes Taylor may have committed in the past 20 years.

He said he was looking particularly at the 1992 killing of Bradford prostitute Yvonne Fitt, and three other murders of which he declined to give details.

Dog clue

Leanne's body was found in August 2001, by a man walking his dog at a beauty spot about 16 miles from her house.

A forensic investigation of hairs found on her body led police to Taylor - and their inquiries turned up other evidence.

Leanne's mother Sharon said she had no feelings for Taylor
They discovered Taylor had had sado-masochistic relationships with girlfriends, and he had once told a girlfriend he wanted to sleep with her 15-year-old daughter.

Robert Smith QC, prosecuting, said the state of Leanne's body when it was found meant it was not possible to establish for certain whether she had been sexually interfered with.

Body stored

But Mr Smith said Taylor's motive was clear: "The motive for killing her was for the purpose of sexual gratification."

Mr Smith said Taylor had stored Leanne's body at his home - possibly in a fridge or freezer - for between three weeks and nine months, before dumping it.

A poacher who sold pet food and accessories from his home, police said Taylor had shown frequent cruelty to animals throughout his life and had an "extremely dangerous" nature.

Taylor, who is divorced, has a son aged about 21 and a 19-year-old daughter.

mercoledì 28 ottobre 2009

Cuba's ex-leader Castro 'strong'

Cuba's ex-leader Castro 'strong'

By Michael Voss
BBC News, Havana

Fidel Castro has not been seen in public for three years
Cuba's ex-leader Fidel Castro is looking strong and remains on top of developments at home and abroad, says a world health chief.
Dr Margaret Chan, head of the World Health Organization, was granted an audience with Mr Castro this week.
Mr Castro has not been seen in public for more than three years, since a series of major intestinal operations.
The only updates on his health come from visiting dignitaries who have been able to meet him.
Exactly what he suffers from, and where he is recuperating, remain state secrets.

I have to say Mr Fidel Castro's understanding of the importance of health, particularly public health, is impressive
Dr Margaret Chan
World Health Organization
Dr Chan spent more than two-and-a-half hours with Mr Castro on Tuesday evening, when she had a "long talk" with him.
"He walked me out of the house, that's quite a distance, so pretty strong. And don't forget, I'm younger than him," she said, without discussing specific health issues.
Topics ranged from swine flu preparations to the possible health impact of climate change.
Speaking at a news conference in Havana, Dr Chan said that Cuba's 83-year-old former leader remained well informed and as demanding as ever.
"I have to say Mr Fidel Castro's understanding of the importance of health, particularly public health, is impressive.
"Any one of you, especially the doctors, if you don't know your subject well, don't talk to him. He knows more about the subject than you do."

Crisi: famiglie più povere, cala reddito e potere d'acquisto

Crisi: famiglie più povere, cala reddito e potere d'acquisto
Roma, 28 ott. (Apcom) - Cala il reddito lordo delle famiglie, frena la propensione al risparmio, in misura minore anche la spesa per consumi finali e scende il potere d'acquisto. A renderlo noto è l'Istat nella statistica in breve 'Reddito e risparmio delle famiglie e profitti delle società' relativa al secondo trimestre del 2009. In realtà si tratta di dati, non destagionalizzati, riferiti al periodo luglio 2008-giugno 2009.

Nel secondo trimestre, dunque, la propensione al risparmio subisce una prima battuta d'arresto dopo un lungo periodo di crescita e si attesta al 15,2%: un risultato, superiore allo stesso trimestre del 2008 (quando era al 14,8%), ma inferiore di 0,4 punti percentuali rispetto al primo trimestre del 2009. Nel secondo trimestre 2009, infatti, il reddito lordo disponibile delle famiglie è calato di quasi 11 miliardi, l'1% in meno in valori correnti rispetto al trimestre precedente. Si è ridotta appena dello 0,5%, invece, la spesa delle famiglie per consumi finali.

Sempre nel periodo luglio 2008-giugno 2009, il potere d'acquisto delle famiglie (cioè il reddito disponibili delle famiglie in termini reali) è calato dell'1% rispetto al trimestre precedente (aprile 2008-marzo 2009) e dell'1,2% rispetto al periodo luglio 2007-giugno 2008.

Il settore delle famiglie - spiega l'Istat - comprende le famiglie consumatrici, le famiglie produttrici (imprese individuali, società semplici fino a cinque addetti e liberi professionisti) e le istituzioni senza scopo di lucro al servizio delle famiglie.

di Apcom

martedì 27 ottobre 2009

Lazio, Marrazzo lascia 'Mia sofferenza estrema' 'Mia sofferenza estrema, permanenza inutile'

Lazio, Marrazzo lascia 'Mia sofferenza estrema'
'Mia sofferenza estrema, permanenza inutile'
27 ottobre, 23:22
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Guarda le foto1 di 6
Piero Marrazzo

Nel Pd e' toto-candidato, Veltroni dice no
La moglie si rifugia nella normalità, forte per la figlia
Inchiesta si estende a presunto giro ricatti
Marrazzo, stress psicofisico: 30 giorni di riposo
Brenda e Natalie, trans coinvolte nel caso Marrazzo
Restano in carcere 4 carabinieri e parlano di complotto
Trans di via Gradoli lamentano: affari crollati
Ordinanza Gip: con trans concordati 5.000 euro
di Tiziana Torrisi

ROMA - Il giorno della fine dell'uomo pubblico Piero Marrazzo inizia con la fuga da casa e la determinazione a dimettersi subito. Recidere tutti i fili con una vita che è già passato, iniziata il 4 aprile 2005 con una vittoria insperata sul favoritissimo governatore del Lazio uscente Francesco Storace. Una vita da abbandonare, quella da Presidente della Regione Lazio, travolta da uno scandalo, un video con un trans e quattro carabinieri ricattatori. Fuggire da casa non per essere lontano dalla famiglia ma per rifuggire dai riflettori, da quella pressione mediatica che lui, da giornalista, conosce molto bene: via dall'assedio di telecamere e reporter per trovare rifugio in una struttura religiosa.

E' mattina quando Marrazzo saluta la moglie Roberta, vicina a lui e incrollabile fino alla fine, e accompagnato da quelli che sono soprattutto i suoi amici piu che collaboratori, decide di passare parte di quello che burocraticamente è definito "impedimento permanente" in una struttura religiosa. Jeans e camicia, sale sull'auto della scorta diretto verso un convento in Umbria, poi dopo un po' di strada si decide di andare verso l'Abbazia di Montecassino, celebre monastero benedettino vicino a Frosinone. I monaci sono disposti ad ospitarlo e l'Abbazia, una sorta di fortezza religiosa riparata dal mondo, garantisce privacy e tranquillità. Serenità, ecco di cosa ha bisogno Marrazzo. Glielo hanno detto anche i medici del Policlinico Gemelli diagnosticandogli un forte stress psicosomatico.

Chi gli sta vicino lo descrive come un uomo "disperato, sofferente, disorientato, distrutto". Un uomo "che aveva tutto e ora non ha niente". Un uomo in fuga da una realtà che "non riesce più a sopportare". Dimagrito, visibilmente. Silenzioso. Così dopo l'ennesima notte difficile, trascorsa con la famiglia nella casa dei giorni felici, la decisione: andare in un convento. E dimettersi subito. "Basta voglio chiudere, non voglio più avere contatti con la vita politica, basta col passato", le parole dette mentre firma le dimissioni. Firmate a casa perché nel frattempo la fuga di notizie aveva costretto l'ex presidente ad un dietrofront: non più Montecassino, per paura dei giornalisti, ma alla ricerca di un altro convento che lo potesse ospitare. Alla fine le ore passano e nessuna struttura è disponibile a farsi carico della situazione.

Troppa pressione, troppo interesse da parte dei giornali. Marrazzo, ormai ex presidente ma ancora giornalista Rai in aspettativa, resta a casa. E affida a poche righe ufficiali il suo dramma politico-privato. Quello dell'uomo: "le mie condizioni di sofferenza estrema non rendono più utile per i cittadini del Lazio la mia permanenza alla guida della Regione". Poi parla da ex governatore e sottolinea "finché mi é stato possibile ho operato per il bene della comunità laziale, mi auguro che questo mi possa essere riconosciuto al di là degli errori personali che posso aver commesso nella mia vita". Le ultime parole da presidente della Regione sono già le parole di un privato cittadino, di "un uomo distrutto".

venerdì 23 ottobre 2009

Bank failures stack up: Now 106 for 2009

Bank failures stack up: Now 106 for 2009
Banks in Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Minnesota and Wisconsin, were shuttered, costing the FDIC an estimated $356.6 million.
By Julianne Pepitone, staff reporter
Last Updated: October 23, 2009: 8:14 PM ET


Where the banks are failing
Bank failures and foreclosures keep mounting View Map

NEW YORK ( -- The tally of bank failures easily broke past the No. 100 milestone on Friday night, with regulators announcing the year's 106th closure.

That's more than four times the number that were closed in 2008, and the highest total since 1992, when 181 banks failed.

Earlier on Friday evening the dubious honor of the 100th failure went to Partners Bank, of Naples, Fla., which had $65.5 million in assets, according to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.

The 101st failure was American United Bank, of Lawrenceville, Ga., which had $111 million in assets.

The 102nd failure was another Naples, Fla., institution: Hillcrest Bank Florida, which had $83 million in assets.

The 103rd closure was Bradenton, Fla.-based Flagship National Bank, with $190 million in assets.

The 104th was Bank of Elmwood, based in Racine, Wis., which had $327.4 million in assets.

The 105th failure was Riverview Community Bank of Otsego, Minn., with $108 million in assets.

The 106th failure was First Dupage Bank in Westmont, Ill., which had $279 million in assets.

Customers of all seven banks are protected, however. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., which has insured bank deposits since the Great Depression, covers customer accounts up to $250,000. This is funded through premiums paid by member banks.

In fact, to reassure borrowers, FDIC chair Sheila Bair posted a video message to the agency's Web site, saying "for the insured depositor, a bank failure is a non-event."

Still, Bair cautioned that "until the healing process is complete, there will be more bank failures."

What happens to the banks. Fort Lauderdale, Fla.-based Stonegate Bank will assume control of all Partners Bank's $64.9 million in deposits. It will also take over Hillcrest Bank's $84 million in deposits. The two branches of Partners Bank and six branches of Hillcrest will reopen on Monday as branches of Stonegate.

Moultrie, Ga.-based Ameris Bank will pay the FDIC a premium of 1.02% to take control of American United's $101 million in deposits. The FDIC and Ameris Bank entered into a loss-share transaction on $92 million of American United's assets, an agreement in which Ameris will share in the losses on the assets covered.

The single branch of American United Bank will reopen on Monday as a branch of Ameris.

Lake City, Fla.-based First Federal Bank will take over all of Flagship National Bank's $175 million in deposits. The four branches of Flagship will reopen Monday as branches of First Federal.

Bank of Elmwood's $273.2 million in deposits are now controlled by Tri City National Bank, based in Oak Creek, Wis. The five branches of Bank of Elmwood will reopen on Saturday as branches of Tri City.

Stillwater, Minn.-based Central Bank will take control of Riverview Community Bank's $80 million in deposits. The FDIC and Central Bank entered into a loss-share transaction on $75 million of Riverview's assets.

First Dupage Bank's $254 million in deposits are now being handled by First Midwest Bank of Itasca, Ill. The FDIC and First Midwest Bank entered into a loss-share transaction on approximately $247 million of First Dupage Bank's assets. The sole First Dupage branch will reopn Saturday as an outpost of First Midwest.

The failure of the six banks will cost the Deposit Insurance Fund an estimated $356.6 million, according to the FDIC.

Why regional banks are failing. While larger financial institutions have received aid from the federal government, smaller banks have found themselves left adrift. Like their larger counterparts, many of these banks made risky loans to individuals and real estate developers during the boom years and are now facing large numbers of defaults as the recession drags on.

Rising unemployment has made it difficult for many individuals to keep up with expenses, and businesses are feeling the crunch of consumers' reduced spending power. As a result, regional banks are left holding loans their customers can't repay.

Problem banks list looms. The FDIC keeps a list of "problem banks," though it does not disclose the names to the general public out of fear that depositors at those institutions may prompt a "run on the bank."

In June, the agency said 416 banks were at risk of failure -- the highest level in 15 years.

It's a whopping figure, to be sure. But even as the pace of failures accelerates, 2009's numbers remain far from what happened during the savings and loan crisis two decades ago. More than 1,900 financial institutions failed from 1987-1991, peaking at 534 closures in 1989.

Federal coffers running dry. An average of 10 banks have failed per month this year, and the federal coffer is thinning under the massive strain. The fund now stands at $7.5 billion, down significantly from $45 billion a year ago.

When the FDIC factors in expected closures, the agency says the fund is in the red and will likely remain there through 2012. Bank failure costs are expected to total $100 billion over the next four years, leaving regulators strapped for cash.

Last month, the FDIC discussed how to raise quick cash to replenish the fund. The agency proposed that banks prepay their deposit insurance premiums for the next three years.

First Published: October 23, 2009: 5:40 PM ET

giovedì 22 ottobre 2009


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Berlusconi: taglio graduale dell'Irap

Berlusconi: taglio graduale dell'Irap
Cgil, Cisl e Uil, prima meno tasse a lavoratori
22 ottobre, 23:46
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Premier: graduale taglio dell'Irap

Ue-16: deficit pubblici al 2% nel 2008
La tassa che ne sostitui' sette vale 38 miliardi
ROMA - E' ora di ridurre il peso del fisco sui cittadini e far aumentare i consumi e il governo per raggiungere questo traguardo è pronto a mettere in campo un taglio graduale dell'Irap, la tassa regionale da 40 miliardi di euro sulle attività produttive. Silvio Berlusconi, che si trova in Russia, lo annuncia attraverso un messaggio all'Assemblea della Confederazione nazionale degli artigiani assicurando agli imprenditori un "dialogo diretto e costante". La maggioranza e gli industriali applaudono, rintracciando nella proposta una svolta necessaria per fronteggiare la coda della crisi economia; mentre le opposizioni e i sindacati mostrano soprattutto scetticismo per quello che reputano solo un ennesimo spot. E soprattutto invocano un intervento più generale sulle tasse in grado di dare sollievo anche al lavoro dipendente e ai pensionati.

Se è vero dunque che la finanziaria, che è all'esame del Senato, non è stata foriera di grandi sorprese da punto di vista delle misure fiscali, ora l'Esecutivo si prepara a studiare un nuovo pacchetto di interventi. Una linea che diventa esplicita proprio dopo che i 'rumors' di tensioni all'interno del Pdl per le scelte troppo timide in politica economica si sono fatti insistenti e che incassa il pieno sostegno di un parte di governo. L'idea piace al ministro dello Sviluppo Economico Claudio Scajola e al titolare della Difesa e coordinatore del Pdl Ignazio La Russa che parla di "un'importante direzione di marcia". Si tratta, sottolinea anche il ministro del Welfare Maurizio Sacconi, di "un'imposta che non abbiamo mai condiviso" e la sua abolizione "rientra nel nostro programma elettorale". Dopodiché, non nasconde Sacconi, una volta introdotta "non è così facile eliminarla, soprattutto per il settore sanitario nazionale" che ne viene finanziato. Il presidente dei deputati del Pdl Fabrizio Cicchitto però non ha dubbi sul fatto che occorra procedere senza tentennamenti. E questo nonostante le evidenti difficoltà del bilancio dello Stato: "ci troviamo - dice - davanti l'assoluta esigenza di dare un sostegno alle attività del lavoro autonomo e imprenditoriale". Insomma, è ora che parta la fase due dell'attività di governo, aggiunge, "in funzione della ripresa e della crescita".

E che sia "urgente" è anche quanto sostiene Confindustria: "si passi rapidamente dalle parole ai fatti", sottolineano gli imprenditori. Oltre alle difficoltà sul fronte delle risorse, il governo prima di rendere concreto il progetto del taglio, seppure graduale, della tassa regionale sulle attività produttive si dovrà confrontare con gli enti locali e con i sindacati. Cgil, Cisl e Uil infatti hanno all'unisono rivendicato la necessità di pensare ai lavoratori e ai pensionati. "Il primo atto da fare - afferma il segretario generale della Cgil Guglielmo Epifani - è ridurre le tasse a lavoratori dipendenti e pensionati. Poi, si può affrontare anche quello che riguarda le imprese". Ben venga una "rimodulazione" dell'Irap, spiega il numero uno della Cisl Raffaele Bonanni, ma è importante che le tasse scendano per tutti.

Pd, Idv e Udc invece più che entrare nel merito puntano i riflettori sul rischio che l'annuncio si limiti a essere "uno spot". In politica economica, accusa il candidato alla segreteria del Pd Pier Luigi Bersani, "non c'é stata una promessa mantenuta e quindi anche questa ultima sull'Irap credo che non si concretizzerà in nulla". E anche per il leader dell'Idv Antonio Di Pietro siamo di fronte a una nuova "presa in giro" da parte del presidente del Consiglio. Berlusconi, è invece il monito del leader dell'Udc Pier Ferdinando Casini, "deve decidere se continuare a parlare come un uomo della strada e non fare nulla o passare finalmente dalle parole ai fatti".
by Ansa

V Česku existuje škola úspěšného svádění - pro muže i ženy

V Česku existuje škola úspěšného svádění - pro muže i ženy
Stydíte se oslovit na ulici, v klubu či knihovně sympatickou ženu a nevíte jak na to? Jdete na první rande a tápete mezi tématy, o nichž budete hovořit? Právě pro vás je otevřena škola kultivovaného svádění, již vedou profesionální lektoři. Je otevřena mužům i ženám.

Zvětšit obrázek
Jakou taktiku a téma hovoru zvolit pro první rande, i to vám mohou poradit
FOTO: Profimedia
pondělí 19. října 2009, 11:11
V pražském klubu U Zlatého stromu sedím u stolečku s devíti muži nejrůznějšího věku. Jejich instruktoři jim dávají poslední rady. Je večer a hra, která se bude hrát, se jmenuje Na svádění. Pánové odpoledne absolvovali teoretickou část kurzu. Teď budou muset skočit rovnýma nohama do vody.

„Bylo těžké uvěřit, že něco takového jako svádění se dá rozumně popsat, že se to dá rozdělit do několika fází a nakonec i naučit,“ vysvětlil Vladimír Hujer. Technikami svádění se začal zabývat před osmi lety a také si založil školu, kde se jim mohou naučit ti, kteří jsou přesvědčeni, že v tomto oboru mají co dohánět.

Vladimír Hujer dává profesionální rady, jak svést ženu, na kterou si ukážete.
FOTO: Michaela Říhová, Právo

„Měl jsem problémy s navazováním kontaktů, a tak mě jako ajťáka napadl klasický IT přístup. Podíval jsem se na internet, jestli ten problém neřešil už někdo jiný. Přes internet jsem našel několik odkazů na americké servery,“ osvětlil Vladimír.

Kurz pořádně provětrá peněženku
Za příslušnou motivační literaturu zaplatíte několik set korun. Pokud chcete instruktora, který vás na situaci připraví jak teoreticky, tak prakticky, utratíte klidně i patnáct tisíc korun za jeden víkend. Cílenému a teorií podloženému balení se říká anglickým slovem pickup. Semináře u nás byly donedávna určeny jen pro muže, ale od letošního léta existuje už i verze pro ženy.

„Ženské svádění má úplně jiná pravidla, bohužel u nás jsou v tomto směru ženy prozatím pasivní, což není dobře. Neměly by jen čekat, až je muž osloví,“ říká Vladimír.
Kurz pro muže i ženy se skládá z teoretické části, kde vám prozradí pravidla a principy toho, jak dojít k cíli, který jste si předsevzali. Můžete absolvovat základní kurz všeobecných dovedností, zaměřit se na svádění na jednu noc a svádění během dne, kdy můžete potkávat ženy či muže v knihovnách, sportovních centrech nebo kavárnách. Muži se mohou věnovat i určitým typům žen a studovat jak účinně sbalit modelku, tanečnici nebo recepční.
Praktická část kurzu se odehrává večer v klubu, kam zajdete celkem dvakrát, vždy po ukončení teoretické části. Oba večery vás bedlivě sledují instruktoři a snaží se vám vysvětlit chyby, které děláte.
„Důležitá je řeč těla, na rozdíl od toho, co říkáte. Verbální komunikace má v podstatě dva důvody - žena by si měla logicky odůvodnit, proč se s vámi baví, a obsahem slov se dá doručit nějaká zpráva o vlastní hodnotě. Důležitější než to, co říkáte, je, jak to říkáte, jakým způsobem u toho stojíte, jak se tváříte a podobně. Například není dobré gestikulovat rukama,“ vysvětlil Vladimír Hujer.

Pozor na to, kde stojíte
Během druhé návštěvy klubu by měli svěřenci dělat už daleko méně chyb. Pánové sedí u stolečku a instruktor několik z nich posílá, aby si „rozjeli první set“. Což v podstatě znamená, že mají zajít za několika nic netušícími dívkami, které sedí poblíž u koktejlu, a začít konverzaci.

Adepti umění svádět se snaží s větším či menším úspěchem. Některé slečny ukázaly naprostý nezájem už po pár minutách. Ovšem jednomu svůdci - začátečníkovi - se podařilo přivést k našemu stolu příjemnou brunetku, která odchází až po půl hodině s tím, že si je během večera ještě ochotná dát drink na baru.
Z teoretické části by už pánové měli být připraveni na to, jak se mají chovat. Pánové už znají několik šablon, kterými se dají ženy oslovit, dozvěděli se také, jak si k nim mají stoupnout, kdy se posadit a kdy zůstat stát, jak udržet pozornost po dobu konverzace a kolik času věnovat které ženě u jednoho stolku.
„Pokud si někdo v baru stoupne naproti vám, tak to berete jako zásah do vlastního prostoru i v případě, kdy ten člověk stojí poměrně daleko. Pokud si stoupne vedle vás, tak se může téměř dotýkat rameny, vy to nijak negativně nevnímáte a protějšek má hodně prostoru pro letmé doteky,“ vysvětluje jeden z principů Vladimír.
Důležité je také vědět, kdy máte odejít, abyste nenechali konverzaci dojít do mrtvého bodu - pak se totiž můžete třeba ještě vrátit. Instruktoři od stolu své svěřence pozorují a komentují jejich počínání pro ostatní studenty kurzu.

Hodnota muže a hodnota ženy
„Svádění má dvě základní fáze - attraction (přitažlivost, kouzlo, lákadlo) a rapport (vztah),“ vysvětluje Vladimír Hujer. „Attraction znamená v podstatě to, že u ženy nějakým způsobem vzbudíte zájem. Rapport pak znamená správné sdílení emocí a sdílení zážitků, i to je věc, která se dá vybudovat při konverzaci s kýmkoli. Obě fáze musí přijít ve správném pořadí, pokud přijde rapport jako první, vytvoříte si se ženou spíš přátelství,“ dodal.
Podle pravidel svádění reagují zástupci obou pohlaví na sebevědomé protějšky, které jejich okolí respektuje. Pokud chcete někoho úspěšně svést, minimálně byste tak měli působit.

„Když muž ženu osloví, tak jí automaticky dává větší hodnotu, což ale není z hlediska svádění dobře. Pickup učí, jak hodnotu ženy mírně snižovat a zároveň zvyšovat svoji hodnotu,“ vysvětlil Vladimír. Škola svádění na to má speciální taktiky, „snižování hodnoty“ se ale lehce dá zaměnit za kritiku, která ženu naopak odradí.
Po fázích attraction a rapport přichází kvalifikace
Muž by měl přesvědčit ženu o tom, že pro něj má nějaké hodnoty - tedy kromě vzhledu. „Pokud od ženy žádné kvality nechceme, musíme si je vymyslet. Ženy všeobecně nemají rády, když je muži balí jen kvůli tomu, jak vypadají. Rozpoznáváme tedy fázi, která jí má dát minimálně dojem, že to tak není,“ dodává Vladimír.

„Možná to nebude znít dobře, ale holku, kterou oslovím, beru jako tréninkový cíl, na kterém si cvičím určité dovednosti ze sváděcí metodiky. Samozřejmě ji beru jako člověka a uvědomuji si, že má city. Také bych nikdy nepřekročil své morální zásady. To, co chci, je umět mluvit s každým typem ženy a každou chci umět zaujmout,“ říká asi pětadvacetiletý DCent, který bere studium svádění jako součást svého osobního rozvoje.
Instruktážní večer je tu jako pomoc pro začátečníky. Chodí s nimi k jednotlivým stolkům oslovovat dívky. Jeho vystupování je v porovnání se začátečníky nenucené a je vidět, že je tu dnes kvůli zábavné hře. Čerství absolventi kurzu mohou pozorovat nejrůznější techniky DCenta a aktivně se s ním zapojovat do hry.
„Ženám, se kterými komunikuji, nikdy nelžu,“ pokračuje DCent. „Jiná věc je ironie. Pokud se mě dívka zeptá, co dělám, a já jí odpovím, že jsem ten, který odlepuje žvýkačky zpod sedadel v kině, tak to můžete považovat za provokaci, ale jen těžko to můžete považovat za lež.“

Sebeprezentace a manipulace
„Pokud začnete v baru s někým mluvit a dělat si legraci, tak se tomu dá říkat manipulace jen stěží. Za manipulativní ovšem považuji některé pozdější fáze svádění. Pokud používáte takzvané dirty talk, tak v podstatě popíšete nějakou silnou erotickou scénu a vaším záměrem je to, aby si ji protějšek představil a zatoužil něco podobného prožít, a nejlíp s vámi, a to už za manipulativní považuji,“ vysvětlil osmadvacetiletý Lukáš, který se živí jako konzultant.

Přes všechny své znalosti o svádění si Lukáš myslí, že na ženy nejvíc platí pravá láska.
FOTO: Michaela Říhová, Právo

„Do kurzu jsem se před časem přihlásil, protože jsem si uvědomoval, že existuje oblast, ve které mám deficit. V té době mi přišlo úžasné, že existují lidé, kteří jsou schopni bez problémů komunikovat ve společnosti,“ řekl Lukáš.

„I na svádění aplikujete určité principy, které jsou hodně účinné i v jiných oblastech komunikace, nejen se že snaží sami. Dokážu se teď bez problémů bavit s jakoukoliv slečnou, ale zároveň dokážu lépe komunikovat i s svým šéfem v práci,“ dodal.

Ženy počítají s tím, že muži lžou
Pokud žena potká někoho přitažlivého a zajímavého, hodlá se jej otestovat. „Ženy podvědomě počítají s tím, že muži lžou. Dělají něco, čemu u nás říkáme testy. Je jen přirozené, že se snaží zjistit, jestli je muž tím, za koho se vydává,“ vysvětluje Vladimír.

„My se během kurzů snažíme naučit naše klienty tyto testy rozpoznat a správně na ně reagovat. Dalo by se říct, že tu lež posuneme o level dál,“ směje se.
„Myslím, že žena by neměla být pouze lovena, ale měla by být určitým způsobem aktivní. Už proto, že pro ženy je daleko jednodušší oslovit muže, tak proč toho nevyužít? Pravdou ale je, že tuto oblast řeší hlavně muži. V naší společnosti je svádění v podstatě celé na nich,“ myslí si Vladimír Hujer.

Jak s ní mluvit
„Muž, který se zrovna pokouší svést ženu, musí být v prvé řadě zábavný a zároveň trochu drzý. Pokud jste schopen ženu pobavit, nestačí to,“ sdělil DCent.

„Rozvíjím se v hodně oblastech, například v umění a sportu. V komunikaci s ženami jsem pociťoval deficit, a tak jsem se mu začal věnovat. Nejdřív jsem si četl knihy o svádění a komunikaci se ženami. V době, kdy jsem byl nesmělý, jsem si řekl, že chci aspoň jednou denně vyloudit úsměv na tváři ženy,“ dodal.

DCent absolvoval kurz, aby porovnal své poznatky nastudované v knihách o svádění. Nejvíc ocenil možnost konfrontovat své schopnosti se schopnostmi ostatních svůdců.
FOTO: Michaela Říhová, Právo

„Ženy většinou říkají, že muž musí být takový medvídek. Tvrdí, že chtějí hlavně hodného a milého partnera, nakonec ale reagují na úplně jiné věci, je pro ně neodolatelné, když potkají muže, který je pro ně výzvou, když to u něj nemají jisté a musí se snažit,“ sdělil Lukáš, který se považuje za úspěšného svůdníka a také dnes pomáhá začátečníkům.

Nedostupné ženy
Pickup používá termín, kterému se říká „obranné štíty“. „Pokud svádíte ženu, o kterou je ve společnosti velký zájem, tak musíte neustále překonávat nějaké překážky. Taková žena je zvyklá na pozornost a poměrně dobře ví, jak si udržet odstup,“ říká Vladimír.

„Umět komunikovat a zaujmout je podle mě nejdůležitější, když potkáte někoho opravdu speciálního, kdo je vám hodně sympatický. Pak se logicky musíte zamyslet nad tím, jak přetransformovat váš zájem do reality. Ponechat všechno náhodě je příliš riskantní. Pokud se dozvíte něco o správné komunikaci, tak s tím, že se vám někdo líbí, můžete udělat něco i prakticky,“ myslí si Lukáš.

A co dámy?
„Kurz, který jsem absolvovala, nebyl jen o tom, jak svést muže, ale také o tom, jak si vybudovat zdravé sebevědomí. Znalosti z kurzu jsou překvapivě teoretické, ale takový náhled mi nakonec pomohl i při komunikaci v rámci pracovních vztahů,“ uvedla osmadvacetiletá Věra, jejíž společnost pořádá firemní akce a večírky a která se zúčastnila jednoho z prvních kurzů svádění pro ženy v Česku.
„Během absolvování kurzu mě nejvíc překvapilo, jak hodně ženy vyzvídaly. Chtěly vědět, jak to vypadá na pánských kurzech a proč muži říkají to a ono. Kurz pro ženy je ale spíš zaměřen na to, jak by se žena měla zachovat v té a té situaci, jak komunikovat, jak si vybudovat sebevědomí a jak se začít oblíkat,“ vysvětluje Věra.
„Moje firma organizuje různé večírky. Občas sleduju, jak se na nich hosté baví a jaké chyby při komunikaci dělají,“ směje se.

Balení v televizi
Metody svádění jsou v současnosti velmi populární zejména ve Spojených státech. A to i přes své undergroundové začátky - způsoby, jak dostat ženu do postele, příliš nebraly v potaz její zájmy, takže to zprvu jejich propagátoři rozhodně neměli lehké. Techniky se šířily nejdřív po internetu, až po nějaké době se dostaly do tištěné literatury.
Kromě literatury a nesčetného množství internetových serverů poměrně nedávno vznikla i reality show. Opravdu zkušený a extravagantně oblečený „balič“ tam učí několik mladíků jak oslovit ženu, jak z ní dostat třeba telefonní číslo nebo jak ji dostat domů.
V českém překladu nedávno vyšla kniha The Game, která tyto techniky popisuje a co se týče etiky a morálky si servítky příliš nebere. Jemnější a do českého prostředí zasazenou verzi Jak sbalit ženu napsal Tomáš Baránek. Kniha se stala bestsellerem a vzbudila takovou pozornost, že její autor už dnes odmítá dávat rozhovory a považuje se za člověka, který má toto období svého života za sebou. I když kurzy svádění založené na jeho knize fungují v Brně.

Osobnost není důležitá
Popularita pickupu vězí, zdá se, v jeho univerzálnosti. Učí způsoby, jak se máte k ženám či mužům chovat, abyste se pro ně stali zajímavým a atraktivním objektem. „Reakce, zvlášť nonverbální, jsou v podstatě pro každého stejné. Můžete se naučit rozeznávat několik typů reakcí, které vám řeknou, v jaké jste fázi a kdy je už třeba postupovat dál,“ dodal Vladimír.

„Samozřejmě si můžeme říct, že jsme každý jiný a máme jinou osobnost, ale to není pro metody svádění důležité. Z tohoto hlediska jsou to jen drobné rozdíly. Ženy obecně dobře reagují na vůdčí typy, na muže, kteří dominují a jsou odolní vůči svým vlastním emocím,“ vysvětluje Vladimír. Podle pickupu se tedy dá naučit jeden typ chování, který by měl fungovat na všechny ženy.

Cvičení dělá mistra
Ani v klubu, kde se adepti umění svádět zaučovali, nebyly dámy imunní. První večer kurzu se telefonní číslo podařilo získat dvěma studentům. Což instruktoři zhodnotili jako dobré skóre. Druhý večer získali alespoň jedno číslo všichni.

„To se u nás stalo poprvé, většinou až takhle úspěšní klienti nejsou,“ komentuje výsledek Vladimír.
Otázkou ale je, jak na slečny zapůsobí při prvním rande. Když svůdníky začátečníky srovnám se sebevědomým, příjemným a stylově oblečeným instruktorem Vladimírem a jeho dvěma pomocníky, tak musím říct, že pokud se dá svádění opravdu naučit, tak před sebou čerství absolventi kurzu mají ještě hodně práce.

Zuzana Musálková, Právo
Související články
Muži i psi dobývají své partnerky stejně
Většina mužů předstírá na rande sečtělost
Svádění může začít už v kuchyni díky přírodním afrodiziakům
Inteligentní a úspěšní lidé mají problém najít si partnera
Muži nerozumí ženskému chování, pokud není maximálně přímé
Na první rande by většině lidí stačila půlhodina
Učební osnovy: Svádění, balení, lovení

Sexuolog: U problémů s erekcí nespoléhejte příliš na potravinové doplňky

Sexuolog: U problémů s erekcí nespoléhejte příliš na potravinové doplňky
Problémy s erekcí trápí každého druhého muže, přesto se jen malá část odhodlá se svým problémem zajít k lékaři. Raději zajdou do lékárny a za velké peníze nakoupí zázračné doplňky stravy. Dost často se pak diví, že jejich problémy neustávají ba naopak se někdy prohlubují.

Zvětšit obrázek
Muži s poruchou erekce by měli hledat pomoc u odborníků, především u sexuologů. Řešení bývá účinnější, pokud se do něj zapojí oba partneři. Společné překonávání intimního problému navíc může jejich vztah posílit.
FOTO: Profimedia
Dnes 12:09
Více než polovina českých mužů mezi 35 a 65 lety trpí určitým stupněm poruchy erekce. Podle lékařů by měli tuto erektivní dysfunkci řešit, pokud "selžou" ve více než čtvrtině případů.

Odhalit její příčiny není vždy snadné, často je odborníci nalézají v psychice pacienta. Obvyklými problémy mužů jsou úzkost, napětí, strach a zaměření na výkon. "Muži se dopředu obávají, že nebudou dost dobří, což spouští bludný kruh strachu z možného selhání a skutečného následného selhání," tvrdí psycholožka Tania Krulová s tím, že u některých mužů i drobný neúspěch dosahuje paranoidních rozměrů.

Přestože muži hledají velmi často chybu především u sebe, podle některých odborníků je obvykle hlavní příčinou kvalita partnerského vztahu. Mezi dalšími příčinami bývají uváděny celková únava, psychická traumata, deprese, nedostatečně silné podněty sexuálního vzrušení, nejasnosti v sexuální orientaci, alkohol, ale také stud, osobní nevyrovnanost nebo strach z intimity. Problém může vzniknout i díky cukrovce či dalším závažným nemocím.

V každém případě Erektivní dysfunkce je řešitelným problémem. Úspěšnost se pohybuje kolem 95 procent, podmínkou je ale začít problém řešit včas. Pomoc by měli muži hledat u odborníků, především u sexuologů. Řešení bývá účinnější, pokud se do něj zapojí oba partneři. Společné překonávání intimního problému navíc může jejich vztah posílit.

Doplňky stravy často nic neřeší
Podle sexuologa Ondřeje Trojana by muži neměli příliš spoléhat na zázračnou moc doplňků stravy. Z jeho zkušeností vyplývá, že mnozí muži za tyto pilulky zaplatili obrovské množství peněz a přesto se efekt dostavil buď minimální, nebo žádný.

"Doplňky stravy nicméně nejsou léky, i když se tak tváří. K jejich prodeji stačí pouze souhlas Hygienické služby. Většinou je neprovází žádné klinické studie či testování na vedlejší účinky," vysvětluje Trojan.

Rozhodně se tedy každému muži vyplatí zajít k lékaři a problém řešit odborně, za pomoci skutečně schválených a vyzkoušených léků.

das, Novinky, ČTK
Související články
Stále více českých mužů trápí poruchy erekce
Šťáva z granátových jablek probouzí v mužích novou vášeň
Na snížené libido a poruchy erekce zabírá pohyb
Viagru brzy nahradí čip v mozku
Alkohol často narušuje mužskou sexuální touhu
V Česku se objevil nebezpečný čínský přípravek na erekci
Horké prameny v sirných lázních příznivě působí na erekci
Léky na erekci by mohly v budoucnu pomáhat i ženám

mercoledì 21 ottobre 2009

Kalousek perlil ve Sněmovně, přirovnal vznik TOP 09 k založení KSČ

Kalousek perlil ve Sněmovně, přirovnal vznik TOP 09 k založení KSČ
TOP 09 se během středy stala opakovaně terčem útoků poslanců sociální demokracie. A tak zakladateli nové strany Miroslavu Kalouskovi nezbývalo, než na výpady reagovat. Pobavení v jednacím sále Sněmovny vyvolal, když s nadsázkou přirovnal způsob založení TOP 09 ke vzniku KSČ v roce 1921.

Zvětšit obrázek
Miroslav Kalousek (vlevo) a Bohuslav Sobotka na schůzi Sněmovny v Praze
FOTO: Zbyněk Stanislav, ČTK
Včera 18:08
Polovina poslanců ČSSD musí podle Kalouska tuto historii znát, protože byla před listopadem 1989 právě v KSČ a na schůzích založení komunistické strany věnovali dojatě vzpomínky.

Debatu nad TOP 09 vyvolal při jednání o rozpočtu, stejně jako před tím tu o bývalém šéfovi ČSA Jaroslavu Tvrdíkovi, předseda poslanců ČSSD Bohuslav Sobotka. Obvinil Kalouska, že neustále vystupuje v dolní komoře za „imaginární parlamentní stranu TOP 09“. Podle Sobotky o parlamentní stranu nejde, protože do Sněmovny nekandidovala. A samotný Kalousek pak kandidoval v barvách lidovců.

To lidi podle Sobotky může zmást. „Pak ho viděli na billboardech před volbami do Sněmovny jako předsedu KDU-ČSL, kdy si pochvaloval, jak se mu povedlo zvýšit rodičovský příspěvek na 7,5 tisíce korun, aby ho vzápětí po volbách jako ministr financí těm lidem sebral,“ prohlásil Sobotka na Kalouskovu adresu.

Kalousek si nenechal Sobotkovy útoky líbit. Uvedl, že TOP 09 je parlamentní stranou a to čtvrtou nejsilnější. Na pomoc si vzal historii. Poukázal na členství v KSČ u poloviny poslanců ČSSD.

Malá přednáška z historie
„Nechci připomínat polovině členů vašeho klubu, dříve členům Komunistické strany Československa, že na svých dříve stranických schůzích dojatě vzpomínali na rok 1921, kdy rozhodnutím řady sociálních demokratů vznikla Komunistická strana Československa,“ poznamenal.

Za pobavení v sále pak dodal: „Tímto procesem v zásadě vznikl i TOP 09. Rozhodnutím několika křesťanských demokratů vznikl TOP 09. Konec konců od někoho jsme se to naučit museli“. Kalousek k útokům vedeným z řad ČSSD ještě přidal: „Ať se vám to líbí nebo ne, tak těch 14 zákonodárců TOP 09 je jasnou politickou silou, kterou samozřejmě můžete většinou ve Sněmovně i v Senátu převálcovat, ale těžko můžete umlčet sílu jejich argumentů. To, že útočíte na formu a neumíte si poradit s obsahem, je toho dokladem“.

Kalousek také informoval, že TOP 09 má 1800 členů. „Snažíme se nepřijímat ty, které nám Lidový dům poslal svým rozkazem. Není jich málo,“ prozradil přitom něco z údajných praktik současné sociální demokracie.

Místopředseda Sněmovny a šéf KSČM Vojtěch Filip pak Kalouskovi poděkoval za historický exkurs. „Jinak to bylo krásné školení z historie,“ poznamenal. Na exministra zareagoval také komunistický poslanec Petr Braný. „Těžce se hovoří po lídrovi čtvrtého nejsilnějšího uskupení,“ poznamenal s ironií.

Jiří Ovčáček, Právo
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Alex Burke's secret agony over her dad's paedo past

Alex Burke's secret agony over her dad's paedo past

He got schoolgirl and wife pregnant at the same time

No1 BABE: Alex on X Factor last week

'HE IS A CHANGED MAN': Burke last week

REUNITED: David and pop star daughter

STAR'S HALF-BROTHER: Jamie, 21, with his mother Stacey

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X FACTOR: Alexandra Burke
By Jennifer Wiley, 18/10/2009

SINGING sensation Alexandra Burke's dad got a SCHOOLGIRL and his WIFE pregnant in the same MONTH, we can reveal.

While the mums-to-be were expecting, shamed David Burke, who has TWELVE kids with SEVEN women, was languishing in JAIL for having sex with a minor.

X Factor winner Alex, 21, and her half-brother Jamie Alce were born within three weeks of each other but have never met.

Watch tonight's results show with us in Britain's best X Factor chatroom
David was absent for much of their childhoods but was recently reunited with Alex, whose new single Bad Boys is expected to storm into the charts at No1 this evening.

However Jamie fears Burke is only interested because she is a star, as he has not bothered to see Jamie since he was ELEVEN years old.

Car painter Jamie told the News of the World: "David's never done anything for me, and by the sound of it he hasn't done much for Alex - until she started to get famous."

His mum Stacey - who was groomed for sex by Burke when she was just FOURTEEN - added: "I hope she is careful, because I think her dad is an absolute w***er."

Today we can reveal how Burke, 51:

SNARED Stacey when he worked in an ice cream factory across the road from her school.

KNEW she was underage but took her to dingy stairwells and garages to have sex.

BOASTED about having "another stallion" when he discovered their baby was a boy.

FAILED to pay any maintenance - apart from one pack of nappies.

Burke is still legally wed to Alex's mum - Soul II Soul singer Melissa Bell - but they are estranged and he lives with a new partner and their son.


Last weekend he was in the X Factor studio audience when Alex performed her new single. Melissa, 44, was not invited after the singer accused her of cashing in on her fame.

But Stacey, 37, reckons when it comes to Bad Boys, they don't get much worse than Alex's dad.

He started an affair with Stacey when he was 28 and she was a pupil at a North London secondary school. She recalled: "Me and my friends would go over and talk to him and some of the other workers from the factory.

"I told him straight away how old I was. It was all good fun at first. But then David started grooming me slowly with the usual kissing and touching.

"It was all very new to me - and because I had grown up in a home where no one really loved me, it felt great.

"For me he had the allure of what I thought of as an 'older boy'. Plus, he had a car. He'd take me for lunch at places like McDonald's."

But it wasn't long before Burke was asking her for sex. "Within a few weeks he was begging me for it even though I was just 14," she said. "He loved the idea of being with a blonde girl.

"I liked him, and I wanted to please him. He wasn't forceful, he left the choice up to me.

"We finally did it at the flat I later found out he shared with Melissa, which he said was his cousin's. He told me he was single. I had no idea he had a wife. There was kids' stuff around but he just said it belonged to his cousin's kids.

"I knew very little about his family. Looking back now, I can see how sick it was. We first had sex in what must have been his marital bed."

Burke then started meeting Stacey in her lunchbreaks. She recalled: "I'd run out to his car and we'd drive to a secluded area or one of his mate's garages. We'd go to nearby blocks of flats where we'd have sex in the stairwells standing up.

"Or I'd bunk off school so we could take longer breaks and go to his flat. It wasn't at all romantic. It was always a case of wham, bam, thank-you ma'am - and I'd be on my way back to school.

"For a long time that's all I thought sex was - a man getting his jollies. Not exactly the stuff romantic novels are made of."

They hardly ever used contraception and never discussed the risks. Stacey sighed: "It's no surprise I got pregnant. I was too young and inexperienced to know better. He was my first and only boyfriend back then."

For a year, Stacey would sneak away to meet him, telling her parents she was seeing friends. But then Burke's wife Melissa cottoned on to what was happening and, after a bit of detective work, confronted Stacey. David ended up being charged with the sex offence in January 1988 - when Stacey and Melissa were pregnant with his children.

He was jailed for six months with another six months suspended. His defence argued Jamaican-born David didn't know it was wrong to bed a 14-year-old.

Judge Gerald Butler told him: "She was a child and you were a good deal older than this unexperienced girl and that is something I cannot overlook."

Stacey recalled: "I only got the pregnancy confirmed a few days after he was jailed. He found out somehow while he was in prison.

"I had to go through with the whole thing on my own. I was so terrified of how my parents would react that I put myself into care for the first few months.

"What I remember clearly is the day I introduced David to Jamie. He'd been out of prison for a few months and we met up in his car outside the back of my flat and went to a park.

"At first he refused to believe Jamie was his. He said his skin was too light. And when he finally admitted it, he said, 'Another stallion!'

"I had little contact with David after that. He was a terrible father to Jamie. He never paid child support. The most he ever did was buy a pack of nappies.

"Sometimes I would call him out of utter desperation and say we needed help, we needed money. But altogether he has only seen Jamie about four times.

"The last time Jamie was 11. David gave him £20 and took him for an ice cream or something." Stacey went on to get married to another man. They have two daughters and are now divorced.

She gradually forgot about David, Melissa and her unborn baby until we tracked down Stacey and Jamie and told them who his half-sister was.

Stacey said: "I feel sorry for Alex if David treated her the same way as Jamie. I read that he didn't see her or her brothers and sister for 14 years. That doesn't surprise me one bit. David cares about one person - himself.

"I just hope he cares about Alex more than her fame. Although I do find it odd that suddenly he is always around her now she has become a star.


"David will love that he has a famous daughter. He loves to feel important. He also loves money, but never seemed to have much of his own."

Burke left Alex, her older sister, two younger brothers and their mum Melissa, to live with another woman in 1994.

But the four siblings made up with their dad at the end of 2007. He now works as an ambulance driver and has not been in trouble with the law again.

A year ago Alex said: "He's back in our lives now and he is a changed man. I have a lot more respect for him now."

Her mum Melissa revealed to the News of the World that Alex had a secret half-brother but did not give any details.

Yesterday a family friend said the star and her siblings were told about David's paedo past when she was 13.

The source said: "They didn't quite understand the implications. Alex was saying something like, 'Oh gross, how could a girl my age do that stuff?' She didn't get it.

"Over the years it sunk in more, and she began to understand what her dad had done. But she has never expressed an interest in meeting her brother."

Last night Alex's spokeswoman said: "She has only recently rebuilt relations with her father. She has got a lot to celebrate this week and this isn't something she will be commenting on."

Jamie, of Hayes, Middlesex, told us: "If Alex wants to be close to our dad, great - that's good for her.

"He's my dad by my birth certificate alone. And technically Alex is my sister, but it's not like we even know each other.

"I read somewhere that she doesn't care if she ever meets me. What my dad did to her family had nothing to do with me. It was like she was putting me down.

"Now I feel the same about her, so I guess we'll never meet. I am happy, there's nothing I want from her. I wish her every success.

"It's certainly the shock of a lifetime to find out you're related to a star."

Your comments
This article has 35 comments
They always materialise when there is money to be made don't they, even if they risk causing a scandal! More importantly, why is Melissa Bell still struggling to pay her bills, living in a squalid house, when her daughter played the "sympathy card" to get votes on the Xfactor, banging on about how much it would mean to her to change her mum's life! Perhaps Alex could explain why she seems to have turned her back on her seriously ill mother.
By Lucie. Posted October 21 2009 at 5:11 PM.
When Alex was in the Xfactor, she was constantly filmed saying that she wanted to win so that she could pay for her mother to have the treatment she needs to save her life, and also to get her out of the poverty trap. As far as I can see, her mum is still desperately ill, and still living on benefits. To spurn your own mother when she is so ill seems pretty harsh to me, whatever the circumstances!
By Barry. Posted October 21 2009 at 4:42 PM.
may GOD open yur eyes and see further forgive yur mum and have a longer life in this world
By cynthia. Posted October 20 2009 at 3:28 PM.
I don't know the full story about Alexander and her father and mother. I wanted to know what she was doing as far as her singing career. Reading the comments I would like to say this. Mr. Burke deserves a chance if he is a changed man. Has he had sex with minors since his release from prison? How long has he been out of prison? from what I gathered he has a family and is living a productive life. I thought prison was there to punish people for crimes commited and for rehabilitation, correct me if Iam wrong. Family is very important. Alex has the right to make up with her father also her mother. experiences are there for us to learn from, to test our character and to make us stronge. To Mr. Burke He need to apoligize to the mothers of his children. He should try to have a relationship with all his children, if they do not want to then concentrate on the ones who will. Life is short, live it like it is your last, enjoy it, love and care for the people who want to be loved and cared for; the rest don't worry about them they are happy being resentful, hateful, unforgiving and miserable. to Alexander and family keep it moving.
I just love and enjoy your singing. Much sucess to you, always remmember to always be grateful and appreciative of your fans.
By OLIVETTE. Posted October 19 2009 at 7:02 PM.
Goes to show that even unperfect people despite their sins can still create wonderful Miracles like Alex is........that's life!
By Dan. Posted October 19 2009 at 4:11 PM.
This guy works for a private ambulance company conveying out-patients. He will not turn up if you dial 999. To work for an NHS ambulance service you need a CRB check. This is the problem with private ambulance companies, they are well known for employing criminals and if the tories get their way they will privatise the ambulance service and then maybe this guy will turn up when you diall 999.
By Andy. Posted October 19 2009 at 12:05 AM.
No one knows why Alex's relationship with her mother broke down or what it was like for her yet so many people here seem to feel they have the right to tell her that she is ungrateful and must be the one to mend it.

Arrogant sods the lot of ya!
By Quickblood. Posted October 18 2009 at 10:04 PM.
If I dial 999 for a young relative please God don't let it be him who turns up. Hopefully Alex will also keep this slimeball at arm's length.
By Neville. Posted October 18 2009 at 6:11 PM.
He had sex with one under age girl - that does not make him a paedophile. The image we all have of a paedophile is a guy in a dirty raincoat trawling the internet or the streets looking for kids to abuse. He`s not that is he..? So to the person who said it`s scary that he`s an ambulance man now - GROW UP !
Alex needs to remember that her mother was the one there for her all those years and down the line she is going to regret treating her mother like this - probably when her mother dies. You can`t take back time you know alex - you only get one life.
By lana. Posted October 18 2009 at 4:45 PM.
My mother always told me. Always remeber where you are coming from. Alex only took ten month and she already forgot. That why leon will always be the best X Factor for all time.

Talking about ungreatful together toward her mother. Hope when she hit rock button she still singing the same tune toward her mother.

By Tash. Posted October 18 2009 at 3:39 PM.
In my personal opinion Alex babe you should make it up with your mum, she's the one who brought you up and stood by you through the tough times. I would keep daddy dearest at arms length though,as it seems he's the one trying to cash in on your fame. And all the people saying Alex is no Leona,please shut up. Alex is a great singer in her own right, and in my opinion actually more versatile than Leona. Leona is a ballad queen and that's it.
By Sam. Posted October 18 2009 at 2:43 PM.
Mensa: Disrespecting your parents is a no-no for all races, colours and creeds. Not just black families!

Amazing how all the family leeches come out of their rocks when there is money involved. Her father wouldn't want to know if she wasn't famous.

The 98 year old lady next door but one to me died. We didn't even know she HAD any relatives until there were shedloads of them cleaning her house of her belongings and furniture and putting the house on the rental market. Shameful!

I know it's got nothing to do with Alexandra, but it just makes my blood boil. Leeches. Sheryl and Bianca Gascoigne - there's another two!
By Amanda. Posted October 18 2009 at 2:33 PM.
If he has truely changed his ways why not have contact with all his kids??? Its obvious to any fool what he is doing and i also have an absent father and if I were to become very successful I would pay him what i think he has payed me in the whole of my life and tell him not to come anywhere near me. It is like she is shunning her half brother which i dont agree with none of this is his fault and his quotes sound like he is quiet upset by this. if your stupid enough to let a leech back in your life Alex you deserve it if you get taken for a ride. I know its harsh but its also true.
By stacey. Posted October 18 2009 at 2:24 PM.
how can that man, with conviction against underage child be an ambulance driver?
By emma. Posted October 18 2009 at 12:45 PM.
Well they have all come out of the wood work havent they just,its not your mothers fault or brothers or even his mothers faqult your dad is a dirty paedo.
And like others on the x-factor you will become a nobody in time your hardly leona lewis who is real talent and a smash wonder over the pond in the usa untill you smash america your nothing.
Your mother was brilliant in soul 2 soul now even i grew up listening the soul 2 soul a massive group.
By mark edge. Posted October 18 2009 at 12:42 PM.
that is just mad i feel sorry for alexandra i would be soo ashamed of my dad. i would never take my dad back if he did that that is just HORRIBLE!!!
By shernice. Posted October 18 2009 at 12:10 PM.
Alexandra deserted by her mum?
alexandra disrespected her mum and in black families thats a no no.
her mum has never deserted her that is a fact.
however I cant say the same for alex
her mum lives on benefits is chronically ill and has to have life saving dialysis every other day, yet alexandra does not visit, does not help out financially and her mum can be seen regularly in the 99p store in the holloway area. i think thats shameful.
also why didnt alex come forward and spill the beans on her dads past..instead she slammed her mum in the press for being jealous. a vicious wicked attack on her own mother

i dont care but i could never do my mother like that dont know how alexandra sleeps at night

dont get me wrong alex is not to blame for her dad but she should have told the world about her dad instead of fabricating a jealousy vendetta against her mum. i would have respected her more if she had done that

thumbs up melissa for doing what you do. nest time i see you in holloway i will stop and say hi
By mensa. Posted October 18 2009 at 11:59 AM.
BAD GIRL!!! if i remember right wasn't alex saying that she needed to win x factor so she could look after her family because her mother had a serious illness and she needed to help her,it's okay to use her for the sympathy vote for the show but her mum can't give interviews.why ?? the interviewer's obviously contacted her mother and as said above never once mentioned the horrible actions of her father,but just spoke of her happiness on her daughter's rise to fame,also they probably wanted her opinion as she was herself once in the music industry.I liked alex before but my opinion has changed about her won't be buying her records or giving her my money!!
By nicole r. Posted October 18 2009 at 11:02 AM.
i'm sorry but if i recall Alexandra's loving mum threw her out when she was 15. we only know what we've read obviously there is always another side to each story.
i know how it feels to be desserted by your mum and it's something you don't forget and if we are honest forgive either.
Good luck Alexandra
By Leonie. Posted October 18 2009 at 10:57 AM.
By joy. Posted October 18 2009 at 3:58 AM.

'All of this is not Alex's fault.Did the brother tried to contact her before she got famous?Well they sold their story so they are cashing on her fame,they are not punishing her dad instead they are trying to ruin her.So much for brotherly love!'

Joy if you read the article it says that he didn't even know that he is related to Alex until the newspaper tracked him down and told him. He actually wishes her every success so why you think they are trying to 'ruin her' is beyond me.

Be careful Alex, if that's true about you not allowing your mum at your X Factor performance it's disgraceful. Why would you want anything to do with a convicted paedofile (dad or not)?!
By Karen. Posted October 18 2009 at 10:21 AM.
From one black man to another; 'you're scum, pal'!!
By Frank. Posted October 18 2009 at 10:00 AM.
you ought to get on your knees and beg your mother forgiveness...if you dont, karma might see to it for you.

I have to agree with a couple other bloggers...your mother went through this and kept a dignified silence about it and believe me, she has had ample opportunity to air this with the mamny articles she has done since you won the x faCTOR.
By susanna. Posted October 18 2009 at 9:55 AM.
alex you should be ashamed
not because of what your dad did..thats not your fault but you should apologise to your mother for implying those awful allegations of jealousy when behind the scenes, your dad has a paedo past which it seems everyone was trying to avoid the world from knowing.

why didnt you father bash instead of motherbashing poor mum melissa who brought you upn to the point where you are now on the verge of being a global superstar

you come accross as ungrateful, selective in your memory and vindictive
not a nice image

your pr team chose to allow your marie claire story to be published but they should have advised you to talk about your dads past BEFORE someone else did

now you look like a fool

By NEISHA MURRAY. Posted October 18 2009 at 9:39 AM.
Melissa Bell should be AWARDED A MEDAL
In all her interveiws she has never once spoke about this.
Alexandra and her siblings were brought singlehandedly by melissa and her dad and now we know the reason why.

the father is the biggest excuse for a man i have ever seen.
im surprised alex has let him in her life but is thrashing her mother with stories of jealousy towards her glittering career and NOT TO INVITE HER MOTHER TO THE X FACTOR LAST WEEK IS TOTALLY UNFORGIVABLE
alex get your priorities straight dont let fame cloud your judgement
By angela Alisshay. Posted October 18 2009 at 8:30 AM.
Be careful Alex this man is no good. Where has he been? My dad disappeared for over 20 years and did not keep in touch. Now that my siblings and i are doing well for ourselves my'dad' has come back onto the scene. I personally have no time for him.
I hope Alex`does not end up in the Priory ,as she seems to be making some really strange decisions regarding her family.
By joy. Posted October 18 2009 at 3:58 AM.
All of this is not Alex's fault.Did the brother tried to contact her before she got famous?Well they sold their story so they are cashing on her fame,they are not punishing her dad instead they are trying to ruin her.So much for brotherly love!
By chrisse. Posted October 18 2009 at 4:04 AM.
Despicable! Though, Stacey doesn't seem the stuff of role model either as a young girl or as an adult. As bad-mouths David, her own life is being X-rayed.

As for Alex, she ought to know that modern day stardom has obsolency attached to it. If she is still remembered in 5 yrs, that's great. Let her not start feeling that she is too good for her half-brother whom, in my view is better off without any of them. His confidence in himself is quite striking.
By Emeka. Posted October 18 2009 at 2:53 AM.
Bless! Chuck in 15 minutes of fame and all dysfunctional families can play this game.
By Tearful Chunt. Posted October 18 2009 at 2:08 AM.
I see someone is trying to make a few pounds ?

We LOVE you Alexandra - NO1 girlyyy xx
By nikki. Posted October 18 2009 at 1:50 AM.
We love you alexandra, you are one strong girl x
By klara. Posted October 18 2009 at 1:55 AM.
Firstly he was convicted of sex with a minor, making him a paedophile so how on Earth has he a job as an ambulance driver. Seeing people in various states of undress everyday.

Secondly what is wrong with these people, searching for parents they never knew and who never gave a damn about them when they needed them, when they were little. Never sent them a Birthday card nor Christmas card but now, they are famous they come leeching around acting like the concerned parent. 14 years too late I think.

Your parents (not necessarily biological) are the ones who brought you up, wiped away your tears, wiped your snotty nose, up with you during the teething years and who fed and dressed you. Not some cretin who got his jollies in creating you, then ran as fast as possible for the next conquest.

Get rid I say Alex, will only bring you heartache.
By R Collins. Posted October 18 2009 at 1:21 AM.
I feel sorry for melissa and alexandra too
what an ordeal...this guy is a loser.

this doesnt reflect on alexandra
By shayla james-lerner. Posted October 18 2009 at 1:24 AM.
He works as an ambulance driver, I thought you would need a criminal records check for that job.
Surely having been in prison for sex with a minor would disqualify someone from such a job.
By sarah. Posted October 18 2009 at 12:30 AM.
This has nothing to do with Alexandra. This all happened before she was born! At least she shot straight to number one today so she'll be too busy celebrating to worry about rubbish like this.
By Darren. Posted October 17 2009 at 11:29 PM.
Everyone coming out of the wood work. This is nothing to do with Alexandra. Alexandra is not responsible for her father's actions. No family is perfect, however it might be an idea for Alex, to keep her distance. If her father was not there for her when she growing up, what does he want now?
By Fern. Posted October 17 2009 at 10:47 PM.

domenica 18 ottobre 2009


Live - Brazilian Grand Prix

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To get involved text us on 81111 with FORMULA 1 before your message. (Not all contributions can be used; UK mobiles only; network rates apply)
By Caroline Cheese

Lap 23: Nico Rosberg and Sebastien Buemi stop from second and third - and JENSON BUTTON GETS PAST KAMUI KOBAYASHI. He is up to second - I think - and now he can go for it. "OK, let's go, let's go," he tells his Brawn team.
Lap 22: Replays show Jenson Button getting past Kamui Kobayashi at Turn One but then has to back off and loses the place again. Huge frustration for the Brit.
Lap 22: Nick Heidfeld has stopped. Not sure why. Lewis Hamilton has a little look at Rubens Barrichello, but thinks twice.
Lap 21: And Barrichello is into the pits for his first stop. Time for Mark Webber to put the pedal down. The Brazilian comes out in traffic, just ahead of ninth-placed Seb Vettel, who promptly overtakes.
Lap 20: Antony Davidson on BBC 5 live thinks it's Sutil's fault and he should be banned. Martin Brundle doesn't think the German was to blame. Contentious, then. Nick Heidfeld is into the pits from 12th. Rubens Barrichello goes purple again.
Lap 19: Jarno Trulli has promised to speak to the stewards about Adrian Sutil. He's absolutely furious, it's fair to say. I haven't seen the incident properly, so I couldn't possibly comment.
From Debbie, Oswestry, via text on 81111: "Arrghhhhhhh I can't cope with all this excitement!!!! Never seen Jenson drive like this, he evidently had his Ready Break this morning, come on lad, kick some butt."
Lap 17: Rubens Barrichello has responded with a purple lap. Three cars under investigation: Trulli, Sutil, Kovalainen.
Lap 14: Brawn have told Rubens Barrichello to push on because he needs a three to four second gap on Mark Webber if he is to come out in front after the stops. It's about two seconds at the moment. They reckon Kamui Kobayashi can go two laps longer than Jenson Button.
Adrian Sutil on BBC Radio 5 live: "I think it was quite obvious he was on the outside and he [Trulli] lost control of his car and crashed into me, it was very strange that he came to me and blamed me for the incident because he just crashed into me."
Lap 12: As things stand, Jenson Button would take a six-point lead into the final race in Abu Dhabi, while Seb Vettel would drop out of the picture.
Lap 11: Mark Webber sets a fastest lap to sit 1.8 seconds behind Rubens Barrichello. Jenson Button is stuck behind Kamui Kobayashi. This one may test his patience.
Anthony Davidson on BBC Radio 5 live "The experienced drivers are just gobbling up the inexperienced drivers like a school of piranhas it is really impressive to watch - why can't we race at Interlagos every week?"
From Logos on 606: "Fair play to Button, this is some fantastic driving, I didn't think he had it in him!"

Lap eight: I don't think I've ever seen Ross Brawn look so tense as he watches Jenson Button on the charge. Rubens Barrichello leads by 1.4 seconds from Mark Webber and has just set a fastest lap.
Lap seven: You want aggression? Jenson Button is giving it in bucketloads. He dives past Kazuki Nakajimi into turn one and he's now up to seventh, having started 14th. Kamui Kobayashi is now in his sights...
Lap six: Jenson Button is all over the back of Romain Grosjean as the safety car comes in... and HE'S INTO THE POINTS in eighth. Incredible. Stunning move by the Brit.
Lap five: Seeing a replay of the start and Vettel clipped Kovalainen, who in turn sent Giancarlo Fisichella into a spin. They're all still running though. Only Trulli, Alonso and Sutil are out. Safety car coming in. Lewis Hamilton has come in and will only need one more stop.
Lap three: Trulli, Sutil and Fernando Alonso all crashed out in that same incident - but amid the unbelievable chaos, guess what happened? Jenson Button moved up to ninth. Rubens Barrichello got away smoothly off the start and he leads. Safety car still out.
Lap two: Heikki Kovalainen is into the pits after he went off on lap one - but he takes the fuel hose with him, and the leaking fuel dramatically catches fire right in Kimi Raikkonen's face. The Finn is OK.
Lap one: Not much happened... JOKE. Loads happened. Kimi Raikkonen zips up to third - but he has a damaged front wing and a puncture so he's now dropping back. Yellow flag is out... Jarno Trulli and Adrian Sutil have collided - and now they're engaged in a massive argument about who's fault it was.
1703: Lights off and we are GO.
1702: Red Bull are already warning Vettel that his engine is hot and he needs to look after it.
1700: Away they go for the warm-up lap and the mad dash for the pits can begin.
1659: BBC Radio 5 live's Holly Samos grabs a quick word with Jenson Button. "The crowd are pretty awesome here?" she asks him: "They are for a certain driver, but not for everyone," is the Englishman's curt response.
1657: I haven't even mentioned Lewis Hamilton. Oh. I have now. Ted Kravitz has been down to McLaren, who say showers are developing in the local area. Too exciting.
1654: Quick apology. We are aware of the crackling on the internet stream, and are looking into it.
1651: Manually refresh to wipe out that time-travelling previous entry. Lee McKenzie reminds JB that there are three inexperienced drivers in front of him on the grid. That's Romain Grosjean, Jaime Alguersuari and Kamui Kobayashi. "Yeah I know," responds Button, a little bit tetchily.
1649: Phew. Jenson Button has come out of hiding and is on his way to the grid... "I'm feeling good. It's nice and dry and hot, which is good. I'm looking forward to it. We'll make the best of it."
BBC Sport's Sarah Holt in Sao Paulo: "Fancy a final weather update? The weathermen at Toro Rosso say they are expecting some rain at some point but they don't expect it to be very heavy. There are some grey clouds overhead, I have to say."
1648: This is more like it. Some Brazilian drums. Bit more electric guitar. She's really made this Brazilian national anthem her own.
1646: A woman in white sings the Brazilian national anthem, accompanied by an electric guitar. Rock and roll!
1644: Jenson Button is not on the grid. Is he hiding in the attic in the manner of balloon boy? No, he's probably just gone to the toilet.
Mark Webber on the crowd: "I don't think they're my biggest fans. I've told Rubens eight points is enough for him today, give me 10!"
1641: Electric atmosphere in the stands as Brundle tracks down man of the moment Rubens Barrichello. Can you win it? "Yeah... I can." The Brazilian says he expects rain at some point during the race.
1638: Oof. Nearly lost Eddie Jordan there as a car zoomed past a little too close in the pits. Grid-walk time now...
Red Bull's Sebastian Vettel: "We can't change yesterday but we can change today. I'm looking forward to it. We're ready to attack. It looked like Button wanted to give us a present yesterday, but we didn't take it. I'm aiming for first or second. I know it's not an easy position to start from, but we'll see."
BBC Sport's Andrew Benson on how the race might pan out: "On the face of it, this race should be a private battle between pole man Rubens Barrichello and second-placed qualifier Mark Webber as there is no-one around them who is likely to challenge them for pace. And Webber appears best placed, as he has two laps' more fuel in his car than Barrichello. The Brazilian will therefore need to build a lead of at least two or three seconds by the time of his first pit stop around lap 20 to minimise the risk of being jumped. But the Red Bull has looked very quick in the little dry running there has been at Interlagos."
1629: Felipe Massa next up for a grilling from the BBC team. Coulthard wants to know where the helmet he was wearing when he crashed in Hungary is now. "It's already at my house," says Massa. "It's a very good history of my life. The helmet was very good because it saved me completely."
Jenson Button: "Luckily I had the right people around me because I felt pretty rubbish after qualifying. Rubens being on pole, me in 14th, it's not good for my race result. In 2006, I started 14th here and finished third. You can win from 14th, and that's my aim."
1622: If you were watching qualifying yesterday, you'll remember Barrichello's race engineer Jock Clear screaming down the radio: "That's P1 in Brazil, dude. You beauty. That's Jenson Button P14, Sebastian Vettel P16. Where are you now?" He's a bit calmer now as he speaks to BBC1, although he does admit: "There's a bit of a rivalry between the two camps."

From Rob, Bicester and Florianopolis, via text on 81111: "Just spoke to girlfriend in Brasil, Globo TV are showing the stewards drying the starting line for Barrichello to get away perfectly. She says they are using huge hairdryers."
BBC Sport's Sarah Holt in Sao Paulo: "You just can't keep those big grins off family Barrichello faces this weekend. I had a word with Daddy Barrichello - Rubens Sr - up at Brawn HQ, who had a big smacker planted on his cheek by son Rubens. 'It's fantastic and everybody is hoping it will be a big day. We are all very confident'. I wonder if he was optimistic because he knew that the Barrichello side of the Brawn garage are very bullish about his victory chances from pole. Team Barrichello are also predicting that Button will get minimum points, if any - which means the championship could go down to the wire. If Barrichello wins, Button needs a podium to clinch the title in Brazil."
Barrichello on how he will feel if he wins: "I'll probably be crying the hell of it. I was born two minutes from here. I might know people in the grandstand from school. It will be an emotional moment. It will be a fairytale."
Rubens Barrichello on BBC1: "I'm feeling very good because I have two situations: one is I'm fighting for the championship, the other is I've always wanted to win the Brazilian Grand Prix. I think I deserve it, I'm up for it."
1611: Wow. Lovely array of shirt colours from the BBC boys. Coulthard: pink. Humphrey: purple. Jordan: raspberry.

From Mark from Somerset via text on 81111: "Do not write Jenson off just yet, he has no other choice now, other than going for it and Interlagos is a circuit for overtaking and he has a strong car."
BBC Sport's Sarah Holt in Sao Paulo: "Apologies for my late appearance Caroline, I took a wrong turn and ended up surrounded by a crowd of exuberant Brazilian fans at Turn 14. I decided to make the most of it and stay with them while the drivers' bus paraded past. You won't be surprised to hear they are in good voice for local lad Rubens Barrichello. Formula 1 big cheese Bernie Ecclestone may also be hoping Barrichello breaks his duck at Interlagos as he's said this morning that he wants the championship to be decided at the final race in Abu Dhabi. Poor old Jenson Button, unless he can push his way through the pack from 14th on the grid, he might have to wait for the world championship."

1602: OK, OK, you can stop asking me what the weather's like. I'm going to tell you: it's sunny. At the moment. I can't rule out a shower later - mainly because I don't control the weather.
From executiverocker on Twitter: "I reckon Button and Vettel will have a crash going into turn one, so the drama will come from whether Rubens can finish or not."
1558: UK users, refresh your page now so you're ready to go with the BBC streaming. Everyone else: as you were.
1557: That news about Tonio Liuzzi means Sebastian Vettel moves up a place on the grid, and now sits one place behind Jenson Button in 14th. Could be interesting.
BBC Sport's Sarah Holt in Sao Paulo: "Tonio Liuzzi will line up his Force India in last place on the grid after dropping five spots because he changed his gearbox. The Italian's backwards crash during qualifying may have looked pretty spectacular but his mechanics had put his car back together by eight o'clock last night. Apparently, a pesky marshal tried to nick his steering-wheel from the crash debris but he managed to hang onto it - which is lucky for Force India's accountants as they cost about £25,000."
1551: And that's probably just about enough rambling from me. Over to you. Text me on 81111, or give me a shout on 606 or Twitter. Can Button hang on?
1548: And if Barrichello were to DNF for a 12th time in Brazil, and Sebastian Vettel doesn't somehow climb from 16th on the grid to a second-place finish, Button would be world champion by dinner-time.

1542: That's one almighty 'if' though. While the momentum may have swung towards Rubens Barrichello yesterday, has the pressure as well? The 37-year-old has never won his home grand prix in 16 attempts, and in fact, he's only managed to get to the finish line five times.
1537: Back in June, Button led the world championship by a whopping 26 points. If today's race finishes in the same order as it starts, he'll take a nerve-shredding four-point advantage to the final race in Abu Dhabi.
1530: Hello there. On Friday, I asked whether Jenson Button could really throw this world championship away. On the evidence of yesterday, it seems the answer is a resounding 'oh yes'. Still, at least now we know he's 100% British...

sabato 17 ottobre 2009

Pakistan launches Taliban assault

Pakistan launches Taliban assault

Major General Athar Abbas of the Pakistani Army: ''Forces are progressing well''
Fierce fighting has broken out as Pakistan's army launched an air and ground offensive against Taliban militants in the South Waziristan area.
Officials said 30,000 troops, backed by artillery, had moved into the region where Pakistan Taliban leader Hakimullah Mehsud is based.
Militants were reported to be offering stiff resistance as troops advanced from the north, east, and west.
A curfew was imposed in the region before the offensive began.
There have been several co-ordinated Taliban attacks in recent days, killing more than 150 people in cities across Pakistan.

Syed Shoaib Hasan
Syed Shoaib Hasan, BBC News, South Waziristan border
The fighting in South Waziristan is fierce and it is intense. Local administration officials say the Taliban are resisting fiercely as troops try to push into their territory.
Dozens of casualties have taken place, they say, and both sides are using heavy weapons.
Meanwhile locals from South Waziristan are facing great difficulty in leaving the area. All roads have been blocked by the military which is using them to transport ammunition and arms into the heart of the battle.
The transport and communication network has been effectively crippled. The casualties are now expected to rise as the terrain gets difficult for ground troops to operate in against the battle-hardened Taliban.

Pakistan's top army spokesman Maj Gen Athar Abbas confirmed that a fully-fledged assault had begun and said that an offensive could last up to two months.
"The objective is to clear this terrorist organisation from the area, who has taken over the area, turned these state institutions, organisations out and has taken the entire population hostage," he told the BBC.
He added that intense fighting was expected during the course of the operation.
Dozens of casualties have already been reported by local officials as both sides used heavy weapons.
The bodies of three Pakistan soldiers were taken to the northern town of Razmak. There have also been unconfirmed reports of militant deaths.
Nearly all communications in the region were down after the Taliban destroyed a telecommunications tower at Tiarza, local officials said.

March - April 2004: Two-week assault where military suffered heavy casualties, ending in peace deal with militant Nek Mohammad
January - Feb 2005: Peace deal with Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud ends significant army presence there
December 2007 - January 2008 - Army operation in Mehsud area partially successful but ended in peace deal with Baitulalh Mehsud
October 2009 - Army launches offensive
Reports from the area are sketchy as it is difficult and dangerous for foreign or Pakistani journalists to operate inside South Waziristan.
Aerial bombardments in the the Makeen area, a stronghold of the Mehsud tribe and a key army target, were also reported by local officials and witnesses.
One resident of Makeen town described the onset of fighting.
"We heard the sounds of planes and helicopters early Saturday. Then we heard blasts. We are also hearing gunshots and it seems the army is exchanging fire with Taliban," Ajmal Khan told the Associated Press news agency by telephone.
Hakimullah Mehsud in late 2008
Hakimullah Mehsud is the new leader of the Pakistan Taliban
The ground operation comes after weeks of air and artillery strikes against militant targets in the region, which lies close to the Afghan border.
Thousands of civilians have fled South Waziristan in anticipation of the offensive.
Aid agencies say that many more are expected to flee but the tough terrain and the Taliban's grip on the area will present difficulties.
Transport has been difficult as roads have been blocked by the military.

Pakistan army: Two divisions totalling 28,000 soldiers
Frontier Corp: Paramilitary forces from tribal areas likely to support army
Taliban militants: Estimated between 10,000 and 20,000
Uzbek fighters supporting Taliban: Estimates widely vary between 500-5,000

There is a huge army presence on the road between Tank and Dera Ismail Khan, says the BBC's Islamabad correspondent Shoaib Hasan, near South Waziristan.
On his way to South Waziristan, he passed several army convoys on the road.
The mobilisation came a day after Pakistan Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani held a meeting of the country's senior political and military leadership.
Lengthy planning
Recent militant attacks were seen as an attempt to divide public opinion, but they appear to have strengthened the resolve of the government, which says the Taliban must now be eliminated, our correspondent added.

A family flee Waziristan region near the Afghan border ahead of fighting
Pakistanis have fled the Afghan border region as troops move in
The army has been massing troops near the militants' stronghold for months - ever since the governor of Pakistan's North West Frontier Province announced a ground offensive in South Waziristan on 15 June.
Pakistan's government has been under considerable pressure from the US to tackle militancy there.
North and South Waziristan form a lethal militant belt from where insurgents have launched attacks across north-west Pakistan as well as into parts of eastern Afghanistan.
South Waziristan is considered to be the first significant sanctuary for Islamic militants outside Afghanistan since 9/11.
It also has numerous training camps for suicide bombers.